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 Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE

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Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Empty
PostSubject: Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE   Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 28, 2010 4:52 am

How to Upgrade without changing your files:

(This Upgrade don't need "Internet Connection")

Lets Play!

Step 1. download the program zip file attached below

Step 2. open and extract it (or just open it)

Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Wol_errorThis image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 768x574.
Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Bjbj0k

Step 3: click generate and copy the serial and write it in a piece of paper. (magagamit mo ito mamaya)
Step 4: upgrade it, by following the instruction below:

Step 5: Go to Start Button in the lower part of your desktop, click it and you may see a small dialog box there which is written "Search Programs and Files"

Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Upgradefull

Step 6: Find the Program which has file name of "Windows Anytime Upgrade" and then click it.

Step 7: It may look like below, click " Enter an Upgrade Key"

Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Upgradewindows7

Step 8: Enter Upgrade Key ( Yung nakopya mong keys from the program )
Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Windows7upgradekey

Step 9: Click next, then it will looks like this: (venirify yung keys)

Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Wol_errorThis image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 799x600.
Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Xbmlh5

Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Wol_errorThis image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x602.
Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE 3450c9z

Step 10: Click "Upgrade"

Step 11: Wait until it finished (the windows will restart several, just be patience in waiting. It takes 10 to 20 mins, depends on your PC's Speed.

Step 12: Use the Daz loader attached below to activate windows.
Step 13: Congratulations! Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Clap you did it! Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Lol

How to used Daz loader?, simple just install it, but if you used before an activating software, beter to uninstall it first before you proceed (to avoid conflict).

Attached Files
Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Rar Windows 7 Anytime Upgrade Keygen.rar (45.3 KB, 252 views)
Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE Rar Windows Loader.rar (1.25 MB, 457 views)
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Upgrade Your Windows 7 Starter into what you want. (Home Premium,Professional,UltimatE
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