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 [TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)

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[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Empty
PostSubject: [TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)    [TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 29, 2017 9:15 pm

Gagawa po tayo ng sarili nating All-in-One installer ng Windows..

Windows 7 64bit and 32bit in one ISO
Windows 8.1 64bit and 32bit in one ISO

Kailangan natin ito:
1. ISO images of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1
2. Win Toolkit

AIO #1: Windows 7 AIO creation

A. Gawa muna tayo ng mga folders:

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio1

b. Extract natin ung mga sumusunod:

Extract Windows 7 x86 (32bit) sa win7x86 folder

Extract Windows 7 x64 sa win7x64 folder

c. Open Win Toolkit..
Go to "Intermediate tab >> Click "All-in-One Disk Creator"

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio2

d. Lalabas ung window na yan, click "Browse"

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Image

e. Hanapin mo ung "install.wim" ng win7x86, then select mo un

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio4

f. Pareho lang sa previous step. Locate the "install.wim" sa win7x64 folder

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio5

g. Pagkatapos makikita mo ung nasa pic. Gayahin ung screenshot, check "Unlock All Editions", then click "Create"

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio6

h. Ayan tapos na.. Gawa na tayo ng ISO. Sundan lang ung nasa pic:

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio8

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Bootable

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Image

Folder ==> Ung location ng Windows Setup files
[size=16][size=16]ISO Output
==> kung saan mo ise-save ung ISO

Label ==> Label na gusto mong maging name ng DVD
BIOS to boot in Legacy BIOS
UEFI to boot in Mdern BIOS (supported in Windows 8.x)

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio10

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio11

i. Ganito na ang resulta pagsuccessful ang paggawa:

[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)  Aio12

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[TUT] Create your OWN Windows All-In-One(Windows 7,8.1 only)
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