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 OPENVPN for android Discussion

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OPENVPN for android Discussion  Empty
PostSubject: OPENVPN for android Discussion    OPENVPN for android Discussion  I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 31, 2012 6:33 pm

What is OPENVPN:

The main purpose of openvpn is to hide your real ip from the outside
world by building and encrypting a private tunnel connection to a vpn
server which acts like your proxy. You can have free internet by having a
backdoor connection to your netwrok provider which bypasses its
firewall/accounting server - jefbuan
The good thing about openvpn is hindi lang browsing, you can stream
youtube videos, download from the market, use facebook, twitter,
tapaltalk, games like pocket legends, zenonia, zynga poker, and any apps
and games that need internet connection.

First of all, credits go to westicegirl, jefbuan and HHUBS ( for page revision)

Requirements for all:
Check the end of this post for the attached files.

  1. Rooted android phone
    1.1) Optional: Install a custom rom and/or custom kernel with pre-loaded tun.ko (I recommend cyanogenmod 6 and up)
  2. root explorer (kindly use the latest version. older versions have mount/remount problems when used on newer devices)
  3. openvpn settings
  4. openvpn installer
    Warning: DO NOT DOWNLOAD/INSTALL OPENVPN INSTALLER if you're using the official CyanogenMod custom ROM or any ROMs based on CyanogenMod. This will cause Openvpn to malfunction
    Read the details of any ROM that you are installing on your device to find out whether it's based on CM or not
  5. terminal emulator
  6. busybox
    Reminder: Custom ROMs usually have busybox pre-installed.
  7. config file (airvpn,poknatvpn, mango vpn, puknut vpn)
    Reminder: Proceed to VPN& Anti-Censhorship Tools or Buy & Sell Section and ask for a config file for their VPN.
    Config files must be placed here -> sdcard/openvpn/
  8. tun.ko (this file is device and kernel specific. You cannot use a tun.ko that is NOT compiled for your device.)
    You can check the Tun.ko repository thread if we have one for your unit.
    Kung wala, ask GOOGLE. Kung wala pa rin, ask your 3rd party developer.
    Kung wala talaga, balik kayo sa Tun.ko thread and ask nicely. May
    instructions dun. OPENVPN for android Discussion  Biggrin )

APN Settings
Globe - ( you should have maximum of 4 peso load)
smart - internet ( you should have at least 1 pero load to activate 3g/hsdpa, maximum load of 9 pesos )
sun - minternet (openvpn not yet working with sun, i'll try to collaborate with jefbuan to see if it's possible)

  • No Port, No Proxy
  • Higher loads than the rates required above will automatically be consumed by the provider

FOR TROUBLESHOOTING, please include the following on your post
1.) unit / model
2.) network
3.) phone modifications (name of custom kernel/rom, Android OS version)
4.) error details
5.) VPN client
6.) i-attach ang log ng openvpn -> /sdcard/openvpn/log.ovpn (or kung ano man ang extension ng log)


Galaxy S i9000
cyanogenmod 6.1.1 running 2.2.1 froyo
FATAL ERROR: Cannot allocate tun/tap dynamically

For CyanogenMod ROMs and CM-based ROMs ONLY

  1. install openvpn settings
  2. go to sd card, and create a folder name it: openvpn
  3. place the config files in the openvpn folder
  4. open the openvpn application then choose Preferences
  5. choose insmod --> tun --> then locate tun.ko ( /lib/modules/tun.ko)
  6. tap the config file and wait for it to connect
    connection sequence:
    unknown => wait => auth => get config => add routes => connected as (ex. ip)
    Reminder: you should get an ip value for "connected as". you won't be able to connect to the internet if the value is blank.

For Rooted phones with STOCK ROM or Rooted phones with NON-CM CUSTOM ROM
credits to wargodz009 for this tutorial. Click HERE for the original post
(Originally made for Optimus 1 users but it might work for other phones as well)

1) root your phone
2) install openvpn installer and the binaries..

  • run openvpn installer using root explorer or install from market
  • click install > install > /system/xbin/ > /system/xbin/bb
  • check this directory if the installation is successful:
    /system/xbin/openvpn <- dapat nandyan yang file na yan
***if you get the error "binaries not installed", install busybox first and redo #2.***
***if the binary installation is successful, skip #3***

3) install busybox (this should already be installed IF you're using a custom rom)

  • check this directory if the installation is successful:
    /system/xbin/busybox <- dapat nandyan yang file na yan
4th) install openvpn settings

  • go to option > advanced >
  • check load tun kernel module
  • set path to openvpn binary: /system/xbin/openvpn
  • go to tun module setting > load module using > insmod
  • set path to tun module:
    ---if your custom rom comes with a pre-installed tun.ko --> /lib/modules/tun.ko
    ---if you've downloaded a separate tun.ko, you can place it on your sdcard. make sure to set the correct path
5th) open root explorer
-Navigate to folder /system/xbin/
-Mount folder as R/W (there is a button you can click at the top right of the Root explorer UI)
-Scroll and look for the file OPENVPN --> Long press openvpn and choose Permissions
-Put a check on the following:
User: Read + Write + Execute
Group: Read + Execute
Others: Read + Execute
-Press Menu and Create a new folder. Name it: bb (system/xbin/bb/)
IF this does not work or you prefer to use terminal emulator, use this:
---make sure the busybox is located at /system/xbin/busybox before you proceed
---make sure that you allow superuser permissions after typing su
---SKIP STEPS 5,6 and 7 IF you choose to use the terminal emulator method


mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock2 /system
chmod 700 /system/xbin/openvpn
mkdir /system/xbin/bb
busybox ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/ifconfig
busybox ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/route

6) open terminal emulator and type:

  • --edit "pag ang busybox ay nasa /system/bin/busybox"
busybox ln -s /system/bin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/ifconfig
busybox ln -s /system/bin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/route

  • --edit "may ibang rom na ang busybox ay nasa xbin eto ang irun nyo"
busybox ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/ifconfig
busybox ln -s /system/xbin/busybox /system/xbin/bb/route
7) go back to Root Explorer, navigate to /system/xbin and Mount as R/O
Cool on your sdcard create a folder named "openvpn" w/o the quotes and place your config files there.

For Xperia x10, x10 mini/pro, x8 phones by leofrester by alamatnitotoy (needs more feedback)

Poknat Config File click me
you need to have premium account, of this config files are not updated
anymore, please visit buy and sell section or the web and internet

Optional Stuff

For auto connect

1. go to /sdcard/openvpn/
2. create a file name pass.txt
3. place username and password on pass.tct should look like this


4. then save.
5. edit config file, look for auth-user-pass line
6. type /sdcard/openvpn/pass.txt, the line should look like this auth-user-pass /sdcard/openvpn/pass.txt


1. Download wifi tethering apps in market
2. Connect openvpn
3. Start wifi tethering application
4. some devices like psp, ds cannot connect, but ipod, itouch and laptops can


1. connect openvpn
2. go to terminal emulator
3. type SU
4. type /system/bin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
5. now you can connect you PSP, NINTENDO ds, PS3

Route-up script (optional)

For scripting, para every time na gusto niyo gamitin yung native wifi at
ayaw niyo mag type pa ng kung ano-ano sa terminal emulator, follow

using terminal, type:
#nano /sdcard/openvpn/
/system/bin/iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE
#chmod 777 /sdcard/openvpn/

edit ovpn file sa vpn at add sa line
route-up /sdcard/openvpn/


Another free internet trick, same function with openvpn tunnel droid, try this thread

Now, if you guys experience any problem, just post it here and i will try to help you.
If i am missing some information, just tell me and i will update the thread.
If I made a wrong tutorial just raise it up ok?
I hope i helped you get free internet especially for ANDROID.

Things to do: native openvpn for android capable phones

Attached Thumbnails

OPENVPN for android Discussion  Attachment

Attached Files
OPENVPN for android Discussion  Apk Root Explorer v2.16.apk (266.8 KB, 9471 views)
OPENVPN for android Discussion  Apk OpenVPN-Installer-0.2.3.apk (561.9 KB, 10734 views)
OPENVPN for android Discussion  Apk OpenVPN-Settings-0.4.7.apk (127.9 KB, 9693 views)
OPENVPN for android Discussion  Apk Terminal_Emulator_v1.0.21.apk (74.3 KB, 8059 views)
OPENVPN for android Discussion  Zip (1.43 MB, 19440 views)
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