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  [MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS

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	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Empty
PostSubject: [MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS   	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 24, 2012 8:32 pm

Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect

First of all, a huge thanks to bro dzebb for modifying operamini to use on myGlobe Connect.

gaya ng sabi ko para sa myglobe connect toh so this is for globe sim only! and use myglobe connect only!


Name: myGlobe Connect
Port: 8080
Authentication type: None
APN type: internet

then activate the Access Point you have just created.

*This is already a modified version for myGlobe connection so there's no
frontquery or whatsoever to edit.. no handler settings just install
after you have just created the settings on your phone.

Network mode:

for installation use wcdma, then after successfully installed change it to gsm only for browsing.

*after installation go to settings> advanced> and change socket/HTTP protocol to HTTP only.

Download capable din toh.


	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Screen_20120720_1128

	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Screen_20120720_1132

	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Screen_20120720_1134

	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Screen_20120720_1254

*if you have the original opera mini version installed since this is a
modified version it won't replace the original resulting to "application
not installed" so please uninstall the original version first, then
install this mod.

Download here:

Opera Mini 7.0.3 MyGlobe - Original download link

1k hits Quota reached so here's the mirror:

Opera Mini 7.0.3 MyGlobe Connect - Box link

Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for Smart MMS


Originally Posted by Dzebb
	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Viewpost

Mod for Smart

Name: Smart MMS
APN: mms
Port: 8080


Opera Mini 7.0.3 Smart MMS - Original download link

Paki add na lang sa first page po. 	[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS Smile

*Please support handler applications by not creating a mirror file created by bro dzebb and ykhandler.
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[MOD]Opera Mini 7.0.3 Modified for MyGlobe Connect and Smart MMS
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