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 MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN!

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MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! Empty
PostSubject: MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN!   MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 25, 2012 3:42 am

The latest modem upgrade from Smart Bro which features the new and
powered-up features of the Plug-It. Upgrade to the new MF180 software!

MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! 10xbsyo


Step 1: Download Smart bro zte mf180 software! links provided below MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! Biggrin

Step 2: After successfully downloading the software and saving it in
your Laptop/PC, please uninstall your old Smart Bro Software.

Step 3: After uninstalling the old Smart Bro software, Unzip the
downloaded file then double click the Power_Pllugit-Win-MF180.exe

• Note: Please make sure that your Smart Bro modem is unplugged during the installation process.

Step 4: Once the installation is successful, double click on the new Smart Bro Icon seen on your desktop.

Step 5: Once the software is launched, please insert your Smart Bro Plug It into your Laptop/PC.

Step 6: You can use the Power Plug It software with your Smart Bro Modem.

Download :


Tut: How To Edit APN!
Go to: C:\Program Files\Smart Bro -> Open "NetConfig.ini"

MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! 2j45x0y

Now, You can finally Edit the APN, Dial #, Auth Type and etc.
Dont Forget to "Save"

MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! Nfqhb5

MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! Eaea Enjoy Browsing MF180 Modem Upgrade ♥ Updated w/ TUT! on how to edit APN! Eaea
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