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 Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System

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Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System Empty
PostSubject: Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System   Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System I_icon_minitimeWed Feb 27, 2013 7:25 pm

Nakarating na ba nais upang i-install ng
Operating System (OS: Windows 7 ultimate, XP, Vista / Ubuntu / in short
kahit anung installer po ) , ngunit ay hindi magkaroon ng oras o ay
hindi alam kung paano? Narito ang isang madali at mabilis na paraan ng
paggawa nito. Kapag i-install ng isang OS, gumamit ng USB. Ito ay isang
mas mabilis na paraan kaysa sa paggamit ng isang CD / DVD.

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 300px-USB-Flash-Drive-3

1. Insert your USB into your computer. When your computer
finally recognizes it, open the command prompt. There are a couple of
different ways of doing it depending on your operating system.
This does not work on Windows XP.

Vista/Windows 7:

Start > (type in the search bar) cmd , Right click on cmd and run as administrator.

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb1

2. Once inside the command prompt, type in: diskpart , then press Enter

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb2diskpart

After that, a new window, diskpart, will appear.

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb3diskpartwindow

3. Once inside this new window, type in: list disk . All active drives will be displayed to the command prompt

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb4listdisk

After that is done, you will want to select your USB. Typically, it's
always the smallest one in size, so you will always be able to tell
which one it is. Type in: select disk 1 .

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb5selectdisk1

Clean your USB. Be sure to back up all data stored on the USB you are
using, because you will lose all your data in this step. Type in: clean .

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb6clean

4. Now you will create a partition for the USB. Type in: create partition primary .

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb7createpartitionprimary

5. Type in: select partition 1 . This will select the partition you have just created.

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb8selectpartition1

Now type in: active . This will make the partition active on the USB.

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb91active

6. Format your USB. This could take awhile depending on the
size of the drive and the processing power of your computer. It could
take anywhere from a few seconds to 45 minutes. Type in: format fs=ntfs

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb92format

Once completed, type in: assign .

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb93assign

7. Congratulations, you now have a bootable USB.Type "exit" in command prompt

8. Now.Insert your Windows DVD in the optical drive and note
down the drive letter of the optical drive and USB media. Here I use “D”
as my optical (DVD) drive letter and “H” as my USB drive letter.

Go back to command prompt and execute the following commands:

D: CD BOOT and hit enter. Where “D” is your DVD drive letter.

CD BOOT and hit enter.

After that type BOOTSECT.EXE/NT60 H: and hit enter. (Where “H” is your USB drive letter).

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-USB-2

USB Drive

9. Once you have done that,Open the DVD from windows explorer(My computer). You might have to right-click, then click on "Open". select all that you see and transfer to your USB.
Note: If installer is in ISO; extract it to USB.
(Lagay niyo laman ng ISO sa loob ng USB) Gamit kayo ISO reader e.g.
Daemon Tools, ISOreader, Ultra ISO...ask mo lang kay uncle googs..Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System Eaea

Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System 450px-Usb95transfer

10. Install your operating system. You will have to go into your
BIOS, which can only be accessed when your computer first turns on. You
have the option, when the computer boots, to press F2 key and access
your BIOS. When you enter your BIOS, make sure your USB is plugged in
and go to boot options and then boot device priority and make sure your
USB is the first one on the list. That way when your computer reboots,
it will load from the USB, thus enabling you to install your Operating


It's recommended to use a 4GB(Gigabyte) or higher USB drive.

You can still use your USB as a storage device. (sweet!)Making Bootable USB for Any Operating System Thumbsup


If the USB you are using has data on it, back up all the data on it before going through with.

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